Final Review

CSCC43 - Final Review #

Fall 2021 #

Thank god the SQL to this course is an elective.

Database Management System (DBMS) #

  • Database: A structured system to persist data over a long period of time, with certain rules imposing it

  • DBMS: Software to manage databases

    • Manages data from multiple databases
    • Enforces rules on the data

Types of DMBS #

  • Relational (RDBMS)
    • Examples: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, SQLite
  • Hierarchical
  • Networked
  • Object-Oriented
  • NoSQL

Key Concepts Overview #

Data Model #

A collection of tools for describing data, data relationships and semantics, and consistency constraints

Types of Data Models #

  • Relational
    • Data is stored in tables with rows and columns
  • Entity-Relationship
    • Mainly used for db design
  • Object-based
    • Object-oriented and Object-relational models
  • Semi-structured (XML)
  • Hierarchical
  • Network

Database Instance and Schema #

Similar to types and variables in programming languages

  • Logical Schema: Overall logical structure of the db (variable types)

  • Physical Schema: Overall physical structure of the db

  • Instance: Snapshot of the db contents, at a particular point in time (variable value)

Database Engine #

A DBMS is partitioned into modules, each with its own responsibility

Functional Components:

  • Storage Manager
  • Query Processor
  • Transaction Manager

Database Users #

Who uses databases, and for what?

  • Naive Users (Average consumers)

    • Uses Client-facing app interfaces/GUIs to indirectly communicate with the db
  • Application Programmers

    • Writes embedded SQL
  • Sophisticated Users (Analysts + Scientists)

    • Uses tools to query data from the db
  • Database Admininistrators (DBA)

    • Has central control over the db system
    • General functions:
      • Grants authorization to access data
      • Periodically backs up db
      • Monitors disk space and running jobs
      • Schema definition and modification permissions

Relational Data Model #

  • 2D Tables logically represent data
  • Relational Algebra is used for manipulating relations (tables)
  • Set-based: Arbitrary row and column ordering

Definitions #

  • $R$: Relation/Table Name
  • Attribute: Column heading (defined in schema)
  • Tuple: Row of atomic cells
  • Arity: Number of attributes $m = |\textrm{schema}(R)|$
  • Cardinality: Number of tuples $n = |R|$
  • Domain: Set of allowed values for each attribute
    • null is a member of every domain (can use it anywhere), this may cause problems (not null constraints)

Notation #


tuple[attr] = value

// Alternatively
tuple.attr = value

Multiple Attributes

tuple[attr1, attr2] = <value1, value2>
// Generally
tuple[A1, ..., AN] = <tuple[A1], ..., tuple[AN]>

Integrity Constraints #

Property that must be satisfied by all database instances

  • A db is legal if it satisfies all integrity constraints

Tuple + Domain Constraints #

Expresses conditions on values of each tuple, independently of others

Tuple Constraint: Multiple Attributes

// Net, Gross, Deductions are attributes
Net = Gross - Deductions

Domain Constraint: Single attributes


Keys #

Set of attributes that uniquely identifies tuples in a relation

Formal Definition #

“A set of attributes $K \subset R$ is a superkey if $R$ does not contain two distinct tuples $t_1$ and $t_2$ such that $t_1[K] = t_2[K]$”

  • $K$ is a minimal superkey for $R$ if $K$ is the smallest key it can be, i.e. $\nexists$ $K’$ | $K’ \subset K$ (nothing smaller)
    • Also known as a candidate key

Primary Key #

  • Each relation must have a non-null primary key
  • Candidate keys are chosen to be the primary key
  • Relations reference each other using them (foreign keys)

Relational Algebra #

A procedural language, consisting of a set of operations mapping one relation to another

Query Format:

SELECT tuples FROM a_relation WHERE predicate
  • Operators are compose-able; output is a relation

Unary Operators #

Select ($\sigma$) #

  • Removes unwanted rows, preserves arity (same schema as input relation)

  • Notation: $\sigma_p(R)$

    • $R$: Relation
    • $p$: Selection predicate, a boolean formula of terms and connectives
  • Example: $\sigma_{\textrm{age} \ge 21}(\textrm{people})$

    SELECT * FROM people WHERE age >= 21

Project ($\pi$) #

  • Removes unwanted columns, preserves cardinality (same number of rows as input relation)

  • Notation: $\pi_Y(R)$

    • Outputs relation $Y \subset X$, where $X$ is the set of attributes of $R$
  • Example: $\pi_{\textrm{name, age}}(\textrm{people})$

    SELECT name, age FROM people

Rename ($\rho$) #

  • Renames attributes or the entire relation

  • Useful for when comparing a relation with itself (comparing one person’s age with everyone else)

  • Notations

    • $\rho_{S(A, B)}(R)$: Rename the attributes of $R$ to $A, B$, then rename the relation as $S$
    • $\rho_S(R)$: Rename the entire relation as $S$ (attributes do not change)
    • $\rho_{A = X, B = Y}(R)$: Rename attributes $A$ and $B$ only (relation does not change)

Binary Operators #

Cartesian Product ($\cross$) #

  • Combines information from any two relations (Cross Product)

  • Renames may be required when two relations share common attributes

  • Notation: $r \cross s$

    • Outputs the cross product of $r$ and $s$

Natural Join ($\bowtie$) #

  • Also combines two relations into a single relation, accounts for attribute names

  • Tuples are joined if the attribute is shared between both relations

  • Notation: $T = R \bowtie S$

    • $\textrm{schema}(T) = \textrm{schema}(R) \cup \textrm{schema}(S)$

    • $|T| \le |R| * |S|$, usually around $\textrm{max}(|R|, |S|)$

    • Commutative, Associative, and no ambiguous N-Arity joins ($A \bowtie B \bowtie C$ is unambiguous)

  • Equivalent to $\pi(\sigma_\theta(R \cross S))$

    • Projects away attributes
  • Special schema cases:

    • If there is no overlap: $\bowtie$ = $\cross$ and $|T| = |R| * |S|$
    • If there is complete overlap: $\bowtie$ = $\cap$

Theta Join ($\theta$) #

  • Returns the pairwise combo of rows that satisfy $\theta = p$, where $p$ is some predicate

  • Notation: $T = R \bowtie_\theta S$

    • $|T| \le |R| * |S|$
  • Doesn’t have to be an equality predicate, any works

  • Equivalent to $\sigma_\theta(R \cross S)$

    • No overlap in schemas
    • Doesn’t project away attributes, doesn’t discard dangling tuples

Equijoin #

  • Special case of Theta Join
  • Notation: $T = R \bowtie_{A = X, B = Y \dots} S$
    • Attributes names in $R$ and $S$ can differ
  • Like Natural Join, but for arbitrary attributes
  • Equivalent to $R \bowtie \rho(S)$

Outer Join (⟗) #

  • Extends the Inner Join by padding the relation with NULL ($\bot$) values

  • Notation: $T = R ⟗ S$

  • Padding Type:

    • LEFT (⟕): Pads tuples in the left relation with NULL if there is no matching tuple in the right relation
    • RIGHT (⟖): Reverse of left join (pads right)
    • FULL (⟗): Pads both

Additive Operators ($\cup$, $\cap$, $-$) #

Operates on tuples within the relations, and not on the schema

Prerequisite for relations $r$ and $s$:

  • Must have the same Arity

  • Attribute domains/types of both must be compatible

Union ($\cup$)

  • Combines two relations with into one

  • Tuples are not repeated if they are in common, only one tuple will result

  • Renaming attributes might be require if attribute names differ on both relations

  • Notation: $r \cup s$

Intersection ($\cap$)

  • Outputs tuples that are present only in both relations

  • Notation: $r \cap s$

Difference ($-$)

  • Finds tuples that are present in one relation but not in the other

  • Notation: $r - s$

Division ($/$) #

Just think of integer division, but for relations

  • Prerequisite for relations $r$ and $s$: The attributes of $s$ are found in $r$

  • Notation: $T = r / s$

    • $T$ is the largest possible set such that $(s \cross T) \subseteq R$
    • If tuple $x \in T$ and tuple $y \in S$, then the tuple $x || y \in R$ (concatenation)

Non-Set Extensions #

Bag Semantics #

  • Relations are bags (multi-sets)

Set semantics for Bags

  • Union: Unordered concatenation

  • Intersection: Minimum count of each value in left bag and right bag

  • Difference: Takes the difference between the occurrences in the right bag and the left

  • Union and intersection no longer distribute

Duplicate Elimination ($\delta$) #

  • Turns a bag into a set

  • Notation: $T = \delta(R)$

Aggregation #


  • Includes the duplicates

Grouping ($\gamma$) and Aggregating #

  • Group tuples based on a similar/related key

  • Grouping key: subset of attributes to test equality

  • Notation: $\gamma_{A, B, C, f(X), g(Y), h(Z)}(R)$

    • Grouping keys: $A, B, C$

    • Attributes: $X, Y, Z$

    • Commutative aggregate Functions: $f, g, h$

Extended Projection ($\pi_L$) #

  • Notation: $\pi_L(R)$

  • $L$ contains any of the following:

    • One attribute of $R$

    • Rename of attributes expression $x \rightarrow y$

    • Rename expression $E \rightarrow z$

      • $E$: expression involving attributes of $R$, constants, arithmetic & string operators
      • $z$: new name of the resulting attribute (return value of $E$)

Sorting ($\tau$) #

  • Sorts tuples in a relation based on its attributes

  • Notation: $\tau_L(R)$:

    • $L$: List of tuples, sort is based on the first tuple, fall-back to the next if tie
    • Default is ascending order, $-$ is descending

Constraints #

Suppose $R$ and $S$ are expressions in Relational Algebra


  • Empty Equals: $R = \empty$

    • Equivalently, $R \subseteq \empty$
  • Subset: $R \subseteq S$

    • Equivalently, $R - S = \empty$



-- Primary Key: certificateID
MovieExecutive (
	name: string,
    address: string,
    certificateID: int,
    netWorth: int

-- Primary Key: name
-- Foreign Key: presidentCertificateID
Studio (
	name: string,
    address: string,
    presidentCertificateID: int


To be a president of a studio, you must have a net worth of at least $10 000 000


  • $\sigma_{\text{netWorth} \lt 10,000,000}(\text{Studio}\bowtie_{\text{presidentCertificateID } = \text{ certificateID}} \textrm{MovieExecutive}) = \empty$

    • The relation of selecting all tuples from the theta-joined relation where netWorth is strictly less than 10 Million must be empty
  • Alternatively, $\pi_{\textrm{presidentCertificateID}}(\textrm{Studio}) \subseteq \pi_{\text{certificateID}}(\sigma_{\text{netWorth} \ge 10,000,000}(\textrm{MovieExecutive}))$

    • All of the presidentCertificateIDs found in Studio, must be found in all of the certificateIDs of all MovieExecutives that have a netWorth of greater than or equal to 10 Million

Limitations of Relational Algebra #

  • RA is set based

  • Expensive to eliminate duplicates, order output

  • Need a way to apply scalar expressions to values

  • Values/Attributes that are not there, can be more important than what is there

Structured Query Language (SQL) #

Also known as, “The easiest part of this course”

  • Non procedural; One query always returns one table
  • Not a Turing machine equivalent language
  • Usually embedded in other languages (Java, JS, Ruby)

Data Manipulation Language (DML) #

Query Language (creating, reading, updating, deleting data)

General Query Syntax #

SELECT <DISTINCT?> <attribute> AS <renamed_attribute>
FROM <tables | subquery>
WHERE <predicate on tuples>
GROUP BY <attributes> 
HAVING <predicate on groups>
ORDER BY <attributes> <ASC | DESC>;

-- Set Operations

Example syntax for common queries #

  • Joining two tables
FROM table_1 
ON table_1.attr1 = table_2.attr2;

-- Cartesian Product
SELECT * FROM table_1, table_2;
  • Getting the count of an attribute
SELECT attr, COUNT(attr) AS attr_count
FROM my_table
GROUP BY attr; -- GROUP BY must be included
  • Inserting into another table
INSERT INTO my_table (
-- Query goes here
  • Updating one tuple
UPDATE my_table 
SET <attribute> = <value>
WHERE <predicate on tuples>;
  • Deleting
DELETE FROM my_table (
-- Query goes here
  • Creating virtual views
CREATE VIEW my_view (
-- Query goes here

DROP VIEW my_view; -- Important!

Transactions #

Collection of one (or more) atomic and serializable operation(s)

  • Each SQL statement is a transaction itself

  • Can group several statements together into a single transaction

Isolation Levels #
  • Dirty Read: reads values written by another transaction that hasn’t committed yet

  • Non Repeatable Read: reads the same object twice, but finds a different value on the second time even though the transaction didn’t change it

  • Phantom Read: transaction re-executes a query, finds that the set of rows returned has been changed based on another committed transaction

General Syntax #
<isolation_level>Dirty ReadsNon Repeatable ReadsPhantom Reads
READ UNCOMMITTEDPossiblePossiblePossible
READ COMMITTEDNot PossiblePossiblePossible
REPEATED READNot PossibleNot PossiblePossible
SERIALIZABLENot PossibleNot PossibleNot Possible

Data Definition Language (DDL) #

Notation for defining a database schema

Schema Syntax #

Basically namespaces.


-- delete schema

-- do this if you only use one schema
SET search_path to University

-- namespaced tables
CREATE TABLE University.professors;

Built-in Types #

CHAR(n)     -- length = n
VARCHAR(n)	-- length <= n
SMALLINT	-- Smaller subset of Integer

Table Syntax #

CREATE TABLE my_table (
	<attribute_1>	<type>,
	<attribute_2>	<type>,
    -- ...
    primary key (attr),
    foreign key (other_table_key) references other_table

-- delete table
DROP TABLE my_table <CASCADE?>; 
-- cascade only if other tables reference it

-- update table
ALTER TABLE my_table
	ADD COLUMN <attribute> <type>;
ALTER TABLE my_table
	DROP COLUMN <attribute>;

Database Design Theory #

Domain Knowledge also influences theory

Definitions and Concepts #

  • Normalization: Eliminating redundancies in a given database schema by breaking down the relation

  • Functional Dependency: If two tuples have the same values for attributes $A_1, \dots, A_n$ then they must also have the same values for attributes $B_1, \dots, B_m$

    • Syntax: $X \to Y$ ($X$ functionally depends on $Y$)
  • Multivalued Dependency: If you fix the values for one set of attributes $A$, then the values in other attributes $B$ are independent from the values of all other attributes in the relation

    • Syntax: $A \to\to B$
  • Key: Candidate Key ($K$)

    • FD Definition: $K \to R$, where $R$ is the entire relation
    • Also known as the Minimal Super Key
    • One candidate key becomes the Primary Key
  • Prime Attributes: Attributes that form a Candidate Key

Functional Dependency Rules #

Trivial FDs #

Practically meaningless and do not impose anything on the relation

-- identity
x -> x 

-- same attribute on both sides
abc -> a 

Splitting Rule #

Attributes on the RHS are independent of each other

-- original
abc -> def

-- refactored (singleton)
abc -> d
abc -> e
abc -> f

Combining Rule #

Useful to combine the RHS and identify candidate keys

-- original
xy -> ab
yz -> cd

-- refactored
xyz -> abcd

Transitive Rule #

Can identify hidden FDs, useful for finding cycles

-- given
x -> y
y -> z

-- implied by rule
x -> z

Multivalued Dependency Rules #

  • Splitting/combining not allowed

Trivial MVDs #

Practically meaningless and do not impose anything on the relation

a1 a2 a3 ->-> b1 b2 b3

-- trivial if {b1, b2, ...} subset {a1, a2, ...}

Transitive Rule #

Similar to FD rule

-- given
x ->-> y
y ->-> z

-- implied by rule
x ->-> z

FD Promotion Rule #

All FDs are MVDs

-- given
x -> y

-- implied by rule
x ->-> y

Compliment Rule #

$X \to\to A$ implies $X \to\to (R - A)$

-- given
R = (a, b, c)

a ->-> b

-- implied by rule
a ->-> c

Suprising Rule #

For a given MVD, and any FD whose RHS is a subset of the RHS of the MVD

-- given 
R = (a, b, c, d)

a ->-> bc
d -> c  -- c subset of bc

-- implied by rule
a -> c

Closures #

Approach to find all trivial and non-trivial FDs for a given relation ($R$) and FD set ($S$).

Construction Algorithm #

  1. Split all FDs in $S$ into singletons, and find any implied FDs using transitivity

  2. List out all combinations of attributes in $R$

    • Example: If $R = (A, B, C)$ then $X = {A, B, C, AB, AC, BC, ABC}$)
  3. For each combination, list out all other attributes you can reach using the given FDs

    • Example: If $S = (AB \to C)$ then ${AB}^+ = {A, B, C}$
  4. Remove all rows that are trivial (LHS = RHS)

Example Table #

  • $R = (A, B, C, D, E)$
  • $S = (AB \to C, A \to D, D \to E, AC \to B)$
$A$${A, D, E}$
$AB$${A, B, C, D, E}$
$AC$${A, B, C, D, E}$
$D$${D, E}$

Minimal Basis #

The complete opposite of a closure

  • Definition: FD set $S’ \subseteq S$ is a minimal basis if $\forall X \in S, S’$ entails (can reach) $X$
  • Not necessarily unique for a given FD set ($S$)

Construction Algorithm #

  1. Split all FDs in $S$ into singletons, and find any implied FDs using transitivity ($S’$).

  2. $\forall$ Functional Dependency $X \in S’$, manually test if $(S’ - X)^+ \equiv S^+$

    • i.e. Remove all redundant FDs that are either trivial or implied
  3. $\forall X \in S’$, for attributes $i \in \textrm{LHS}(X)$, let $\textrm{LHS}(X’) = \textrm{LHS}(X’) - i$

    • Manually test if $(S’ - X + X’)^+ \equiv S^+$
    • i.e. Remove any redundant attributes in each FD
  4. Repeat with $S’$ as the new $S$ until minimal

FD Projection #

Used to refactor FDs when splitting a relation

  • Given a relation $R$ with FD set $S$, decompose $R$ into $R_1$ and $R_2$ with their own FD sets $S_1$ and $S_2$

  • Each FD sets must only include attributes from its respective relation

  • Many possible projections

Projection Algorithm #

For $R_1$:

  1. Set $S_1 = \empty$
  2. Compute the closure of each combination of attributes of $R_1$, and add to $S_1$ all non-trivial FDs $X \to A$ such that the RHS attribute $A \in X^+$ and $A \in R_1$
  3. Construct a minimal basis from $S_1$

Repeat for all decomposed relations ($R_2, \dots$)

Improvements #
  • Ignore Trivial dependencies

  • Ignore Trivial subsets ($\empty$ or $X$)

  • If $X$ is a set of attributes such that $X^+ = R$ ($X$ is a super key), then ignore any other sets that contain $X$

Chase Test #

Used to infer FDs and MVDs

For Functional Dependencies #

For original relation $R$, decomposed relations $R_1, R_2$, and FD set $S_F$

  1. Construct a tableau using the decomposed relations

  2. Apply FDs from $S_F$ onto the rows of the tableau

    • i.e. if a row has $a, b_1, c_1, d$ and another row has $a, b_2, c, d_1$ with FD $A \to B$
    • Then $b_1 = b_2$ in this case
  3. Repeat until you end up with a row without subscripts

    • i.e. if $R = (A, B, C, D)$, you want a row on the tableau that looks like $a, b, c, d$

Note: If you just want to see if a particular FD holds, you can also just compute the closure of the LHS and verify, rather than chasing

For Multivalued Dependencies #

Same relation and FD set, use $S_M$ as the MVD set

  1. Construct a tableau

  2. Apply FDs the same way

  3. For MVDs in $S_M$, create new rows (if necessary)

    • i.e. if $A \to\to B$ is in $S_M$ and R = (A, B, C)
    • Then must have rows with $a, b_1, …$ and $a, b, …$
    • ... must be the same in both rows (want $b$ to be independant of $a$)
  4. Repeat until you end with a row without subscripts

Normal Forms #

What it means to have a ‘good’ schema

1st Normal Form (1NF) #

  • No multi valued attributes (no lists, arrays)

  • No duplicate rows

  • Not expressible in RA

2nd Normal Form (2NF) #

  • Must satisfy 1NF

  • No partial dependencies

  • i.e. For all non-prime attributes $a$, $\exist$ FD $X \to a$ such that $X$ must be a candidate key

3rd Normal Form (3NF) #

  • Must satisfy 2NF

  • No Transitive dependencies (LHS must be a prime attribute or a super key)

Decomposition Steps #
  1. For the FD set $S$, find the minimal basis $M$
  2. For all FDs $X \to A$ in $M$, create a new relation $R_i = (X, A)$
  3. If there isn’t a relation whose attributes $K = {k_1, …, k_m}$ form a super key for $R$, create a new relation $R_k = (k_1, …, k_m)$
  4. Verify each $R_i$ is in 3NF, if not then decompose further

Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF) #

  • Must satisfy 3NF

  • No non-trivial FDs

  • i.e. if $X \to Y$ is a non-trivial FD, then $X$ must be a super key

Decomposition Steps #
  1. For all FDs $X \to A$ where $R = A \cup B$, set $R_1 = (X, A)$ and $R_2 = (X, B)$
  2. Project the remaining FDs onto $R_1$ and $R_2$
  3. Verify $R_1$ and $R_2$ are in BCNF, if not then decompose further

4th Normal Form (4NF) #

  • Must satisfy BCNF

  • No non-trivial MVDs

  • i.e if $X \to\to Y$ is a non-trivial MVD, then $X$ must be a super key

Decomposition Steps #
  1. For all 4NF violations (non-trivial MVDs) $X \to A$, create two new relations $R_1 = (X, A)$ and $R_2 = (X, R - A)$
  2. Find (project) all FDs and MVDs from $R$ onto $R_1$ and $R_2$
  3. Verify $R_1$ and $R_2$ are in 4NF, if not then decompose further

eXtensible Markup Language (XML) #

Basically if HTML and JSON had a child

  • Data-only format: No implied representation

  • Heirarchical, Tree like data structure

  • Ordering is implied

  • Flexible schema

  • Syntax similar but stricter than HTML

    • Tags must always be closed
    • Tag and Attribute names have no meaning semantically

Example Syntax (Well-Formed XML) #

<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" standalone = "yes" ?> 
    <Star starID = "cf" starredIn = "sw"> 
        <Name>Carrie Fisher</Name> 
            <Street>123 Maple St.</Street> 
            <Street>5 Locust Ln.</Street> 
    <Star starID = "mh" starredIn = "sw"> 
        <Name>Mark Hamill</Name> 
        	<Street>456 Oak Rd.</Street> 
    <Movie movieID = "sw" starsOf = "cf", "mh">  
        <Title>Star Wars</Title> 
  • Root Element: StarMovieData

    • There must only be one Root for it to be Well-Formed
  • Sub Elements: Star, Name, Address, ...

  • Attributes: starID, movieID, starredIn, starsOf, ...