CSCC43 - Final Review #
Fall 2021 #
Thank god the SQL to this course is an elective.
Database Management System (DBMS) #
Database: A structured system to persist data over a long period of time, with certain rules imposing it
DBMS: Software to manage databases
- Manages data from multiple databases
- Enforces rules on the data
Types of DMBS #
- Relational (RDBMS)
- Examples: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, SQLite
- Hierarchical
- Networked
- Object-Oriented
Key Concepts Overview #
Data Model #
A collection of tools for describing data, data relationships and semantics, and consistency constraints
Types of Data Models #
- Relational
- Data is stored in tables with rows and columns
- Entity-Relationship
- Mainly used for db design
- Object-based
- Object-oriented and Object-relational models
- Semi-structured (XML)
- Hierarchical
- Network
Database Instance and Schema #
Similar to types and variables in programming languages
Logical Schema: Overall logical structure of the db (variable types)
Physical Schema: Overall physical structure of the db
Instance: Snapshot of the db contents, at a particular point in time (variable value)
Database Engine #
A DBMS is partitioned into modules, each with its own responsibility
Functional Components:
- Storage Manager
- Query Processor
- Transaction Manager
Database Users #
Who uses databases, and for what?
Naive Users (Average consumers)
- Uses Client-facing app interfaces/GUIs to indirectly communicate with the db
Application Programmers
- Writes embedded SQL
Sophisticated Users (Analysts + Scientists)
- Uses tools to query data from the db
Database Admininistrators (DBA)
- Has central control over the db system
- General functions:
- Grants authorization to access data
- Periodically backs up db
- Monitors disk space and running jobs
- Schema definition and modification permissions
Relational Data Model #
- 2D Tables logically represent data
- Relational Algebra is used for manipulating relations (tables)
- Set-based: Arbitrary row and column ordering
Definitions #
- $R$: Relation/Table Name
- Attribute: Column heading (defined in schema)
- Tuple: Row of atomic cells
- Arity: Number of attributes $m = |\textrm{schema}(R)|$
- Cardinality: Number of tuples $n = |R|$
- Domain: Set of allowed values for each attribute
is a member of every domain (can use it anywhere), this may cause problems (not null constraints)
Notation #
tuple[attr] = value
// Alternatively
tuple.attr = value
Multiple Attributes
tuple[attr1, attr2] = <value1, value2>
// Generally
tuple[A1, ..., AN] = <tuple[A1], ..., tuple[AN]>
Integrity Constraints #
Property that must be satisfied by all database instances
- A db is legal if it satisfies all integrity constraints
Tuple + Domain Constraints #
Expresses conditions on values of each tuple, independently of others
Tuple Constraint: Multiple Attributes
// Net, Gross, Deductions are attributes
Net = Gross - Deductions
Domain Constraint: Single attributes
Keys #
Set of attributes that uniquely identifies tuples in a relation
Formal Definition #
“A set of attributes $K \subset R$ is a superkey if $R$ does not contain two distinct tuples $t_1$ and $t_2$ such that $t_1[K] = t_2[K]$”
- $K$ is a minimal superkey for $R$ if $K$ is the smallest key it can be, i.e. $\nexists$ $K’$ | $K’ \subset K$ (nothing smaller)
- Also known as a candidate key
Primary Key #
- Each relation must have a non-null primary key
- Candidate keys are chosen to be the primary key
- Relations reference each other using them (foreign keys)
Relational Algebra #
A procedural language, consisting of a set of operations mapping one relation to another
Query Format:
SELECT tuples FROM a_relation WHERE predicate
- Operators are compose-able; output is a relation
Unary Operators #
Select ($\sigma$) #
Removes unwanted rows, preserves arity (same schema as input relation)
Notation: $\sigma_p(R)$
- $R$: Relation
- $p$: Selection predicate, a boolean formula of terms and connectives
Example: $\sigma_{\textrm{age} \ge 21}(\textrm{people})$
SELECT * FROM people WHERE age >= 21
Project ($\pi$) #
Removes unwanted columns, preserves cardinality (same number of rows as input relation)
Notation: $\pi_Y(R)$
- Outputs relation $Y \subset X$, where $X$ is the set of attributes of $R$
Example: $\pi_{\textrm{name, age}}(\textrm{people})$
SELECT name, age FROM people
Rename ($\rho$) #
Renames attributes or the entire relation
Useful for when comparing a relation with itself (comparing one person’s age with everyone else)
- $\rho_{S(A, B)}(R)$: Rename the attributes of $R$ to $A, B$, then rename the relation as $S$
- $\rho_S(R)$: Rename the entire relation as $S$ (attributes do not change)
- $\rho_{A = X, B = Y}(R)$: Rename attributes $A$ and $B$ only (relation does not change)
Binary Operators #
Cartesian Product ($\cross$) #
Combines information from any two relations (Cross Product)
Renames may be required when two relations share common attributes
Notation: $r \cross s$
- Outputs the cross product of $r$ and $s$
Natural Join ($\bowtie$) #
Also combines two relations into a single relation, accounts for attribute names
Tuples are joined if the attribute is shared between both relations
Notation: $T = R \bowtie S$
$\textrm{schema}(T) = \textrm{schema}(R) \cup \textrm{schema}(S)$
$|T| \le |R| * |S|$, usually around $\textrm{max}(|R|, |S|)$
Commutative, Associative, and no ambiguous N-Arity joins ($A \bowtie B \bowtie C$ is unambiguous)
Equivalent to $\pi(\sigma_\theta(R \cross S))$
- Projects away attributes
Special schema cases:
- If there is no overlap: $\bowtie$ = $\cross$ and $|T| = |R| * |S|$
- If there is complete overlap: $\bowtie$ = $\cap$
Theta Join ($\theta$) #
Returns the pairwise combo of rows that satisfy $\theta = p$, where $p$ is some predicate
Notation: $T = R \bowtie_\theta S$
- $|T| \le |R| * |S|$
Doesn’t have to be an equality predicate, any works
Equivalent to $\sigma_\theta(R \cross S)$
- No overlap in schemas
- Doesn’t project away attributes, doesn’t discard dangling tuples
Equijoin #
- Special case of Theta Join
- Notation: $T = R \bowtie_{A = X, B = Y \dots} S$
- Attributes names in $R$ and $S$ can differ
- Like Natural Join, but for arbitrary attributes
- Equivalent to $R \bowtie \rho(S)$
Outer Join (⟗) #
Extends the Inner Join by padding the relation with NULL ($\bot$) values
Notation: $T = R ⟗ S$
Padding Type:
- LEFT (⟕): Pads tuples in the left relation with NULL if there is no matching tuple in the right relation
- RIGHT (⟖): Reverse of left join (pads right)
- FULL (⟗): Pads both
Additive Operators ($\cup$, $\cap$, $-$) #
Operates on tuples within the relations, and not on the schema
Prerequisite for relations $r$ and $s$:
Must have the same Arity
Attribute domains/types of both must be compatible
Union ($\cup$)
Combines two relations with into one
Tuples are not repeated if they are in common, only one tuple will result
Renaming attributes might be require if attribute names differ on both relations
Notation: $r \cup s$
Intersection ($\cap$)
Outputs tuples that are present only in both relations
Notation: $r \cap s$
Difference ($-$)
Finds tuples that are present in one relation but not in the other
Notation: $r - s$
Division ($/$) #
Just think of integer division, but for relations
Prerequisite for relations $r$ and $s$: The attributes of $s$ are found in $r$
Notation: $T = r / s$
- $T$ is the largest possible set such that $(s \cross T) \subseteq R$
- If tuple $x \in T$ and tuple $y \in S$, then the tuple $x || y \in R$ (concatenation)
Non-Set Extensions #
Bag Semantics #
- Relations are bags (multi-sets)
Set semantics for Bags
Union: Unordered concatenation
Intersection: Minimum count of each value in left bag and right bag
Difference: Takes the difference between the occurrences in the right bag and the left
Union and intersection no longer distribute
Duplicate Elimination ($\delta$) #
Turns a bag into a set
Notation: $T = \delta(R)$
Aggregation #
Includes the duplicates
Grouping ($\gamma$) and Aggregating #
Group tuples based on a similar/related key
Grouping key: subset of attributes to test equality
Notation: $\gamma_{A, B, C, f(X), g(Y), h(Z)}(R)$
Grouping keys: $A, B, C$
Attributes: $X, Y, Z$
Commutative aggregate Functions: $f, g, h$
Extended Projection ($\pi_L$) #
Notation: $\pi_L(R)$
$L$ contains any of the following:
One attribute of $R$
Rename of attributes expression $x \rightarrow y$
Rename expression $E \rightarrow z$
- $E$: expression involving attributes of $R$, constants, arithmetic & string operators
- $z$: new name of the resulting attribute (return value of $E$)
Sorting ($\tau$) #
Sorts tuples in a relation based on its attributes
Notation: $\tau_L(R)$:
- $L$: List of tuples, sort is based on the first tuple, fall-back to the next if tie
- Default is ascending order, $-$ is descending
Constraints #
Suppose $R$ and $S$ are expressions in Relational Algebra
Empty Equals: $R = \empty$
- Equivalently, $R \subseteq \empty$
Subset: $R \subseteq S$
- Equivalently, $R - S = \empty$
-- Primary Key: certificateID
MovieExecutive (
name: string,
address: string,
certificateID: int,
netWorth: int
-- Primary Key: name
-- Foreign Key: presidentCertificateID
Studio (
name: string,
address: string,
presidentCertificateID: int
To be a president of a studio, you must have a net worth of at least $10 000 000
$\sigma_{\text{netWorth} \lt 10,000,000}(\text{Studio}\bowtie_{\text{presidentCertificateID } = \text{ certificateID}} \textrm{MovieExecutive}) = \empty$
- The relation of selecting all tuples from the theta-joined relation where
is strictly less than 10 Million must be empty
- The relation of selecting all tuples from the theta-joined relation where
Alternatively, $\pi_{\textrm{presidentCertificateID}}(\textrm{Studio}) \subseteq \pi_{\text{certificateID}}(\sigma_{\text{netWorth} \ge 10,000,000}(\textrm{MovieExecutive}))$
- All of the
s found inStudio
, must be found in all of thecertificateID
s of allMovieExecutive
s that have anetWorth
of greater than or equal to 10 Million
- All of the
Limitations of Relational Algebra #
RA is set based
Expensive to eliminate duplicates, order output
Need a way to apply scalar expressions to values
Values/Attributes that are not there, can be more important than what is there
Structured Query Language (SQL) #
Also known as, “The easiest part of this course”
- Non procedural; One query always returns one table
- Not a Turing machine equivalent language
- Usually embedded in other languages (Java, JS, Ruby)
Data Manipulation Language (DML) #
Query Language (creating, reading, updating, deleting data)
General Query Syntax #
SELECT <DISTINCT?> <attribute> AS <renamed_attribute>
FROM <tables | subquery>
WHERE <predicate on tuples>
GROUP BY <attributes>
HAVING <predicate on groups>
ORDER BY <attributes> <ASC | DESC>;
-- Set Operations
Example syntax for common queries #
- Joining two tables
FROM table_1
ON table_1.attr1 = table_2.attr2;
-- Cartesian Product
SELECT * FROM table_1, table_2;
- Getting the count of an attribute
SELECT attr, COUNT(attr) AS attr_count
FROM my_table
GROUP BY attr; -- GROUP BY must be included
- Inserting into another table
INSERT INTO my_table (
-- Query goes here
- Updating one tuple
UPDATE my_table
SET <attribute> = <value>
WHERE <predicate on tuples>;
- Deleting
DELETE FROM my_table (
-- Query goes here
- Creating virtual views
CREATE VIEW my_view (
-- Query goes here
DROP VIEW my_view; -- Important!
Transactions #
Collection of one (or more) atomic and serializable operation(s)
Each SQL statement is a transaction itself
Can group several statements together into a single transaction
Isolation Levels #
Dirty Read: reads values written by another transaction that hasn’t committed yet
Non Repeatable Read: reads the same object twice, but finds a different value on the second time even though the transaction didn’t change it
Phantom Read: transaction re-executes a query, finds that the set of rows returned has been changed based on another committed transaction
General Syntax #
<isolation_level> | Dirty Reads | Non Repeatable Reads | Phantom Reads |
READ UNCOMMITTED | Possible | Possible | Possible |
READ COMMITTED | Not Possible | Possible | Possible |
REPEATED READ | Not Possible | Not Possible | Possible |
SERIALIZABLE | Not Possible | Not Possible | Not Possible |
Data Definition Language (DDL) #
Notation for defining a database schema
Schema Syntax #
Basically namespaces.
-- delete schema
-- do this if you only use one schema
SET search_path to University
-- namespaced tables
CREATE TABLE University.professors;
Built-in Types #
CHAR(n) -- length = n
VARCHAR(n) -- length <= n
SMALLINT -- Smaller subset of Integer
Table Syntax #
CREATE TABLE my_table (
<attribute_1> <type>,
<attribute_2> <type>,
-- ...
primary key (attr),
foreign key (other_table_key) references other_table
-- delete table
-- cascade only if other tables reference it
-- update table
ALTER TABLE my_table
ADD COLUMN <attribute> <type>;
ALTER TABLE my_table
DROP COLUMN <attribute>;
Database Design Theory #
Domain Knowledge also influences theory
Definitions and Concepts #
Normalization: Eliminating redundancies in a given database schema by breaking down the relation
Functional Dependency: If two tuples have the same values for attributes $A_1, \dots, A_n$ then they must also have the same values for attributes $B_1, \dots, B_m$
- Syntax: $X \to Y$ ($X$ functionally depends on $Y$)
Multivalued Dependency: If you fix the values for one set of attributes $A$, then the values in other attributes $B$ are independent from the values of all other attributes in the relation
- Syntax: $A \to\to B$
Key: Candidate Key ($K$)
- FD Definition: $K \to R$, where $R$ is the entire relation
- Also known as the Minimal Super Key
- One candidate key becomes the Primary Key
Prime Attributes: Attributes that form a Candidate Key
Functional Dependency Rules #
Trivial FDs #
Practically meaningless and do not impose anything on the relation
-- identity
x -> x
-- same attribute on both sides
abc -> a
Splitting Rule #
Attributes on the RHS are independent of each other
-- original
abc -> def
-- refactored (singleton)
abc -> d
abc -> e
abc -> f
Combining Rule #
Useful to combine the RHS and identify candidate keys
-- original
xy -> ab
yz -> cd
-- refactored
xyz -> abcd
Transitive Rule #
Can identify hidden FDs, useful for finding cycles
-- given
x -> y
y -> z
-- implied by rule
x -> z
Multivalued Dependency Rules #
- Splitting/combining not allowed
Trivial MVDs #
Practically meaningless and do not impose anything on the relation
a1 a2 a3 ->-> b1 b2 b3
-- trivial if {b1, b2, ...} subset {a1, a2, ...}
Transitive Rule #
Similar to FD rule
-- given
x ->-> y
y ->-> z
-- implied by rule
x ->-> z
FD Promotion Rule #
All FDs are MVDs
-- given
x -> y
-- implied by rule
x ->-> y
Compliment Rule #
$X \to\to A$ implies $X \to\to (R - A)$
-- given
R = (a, b, c)
a ->-> b
-- implied by rule
a ->-> c
Suprising Rule #
For a given MVD, and any FD whose RHS is a subset of the RHS of the MVD
-- given
R = (a, b, c, d)
a ->-> bc
d -> c -- c subset of bc
-- implied by rule
a -> c
Closures #
Approach to find all trivial and non-trivial FDs for a given relation ($R$) and FD set ($S$).
Construction Algorithm #
Split all FDs in $S$ into singletons, and find any implied FDs using transitivity
List out all combinations of attributes in $R$
- Example: If $R = (A, B, C)$ then $X = {A, B, C, AB, AC, BC, ABC}$)
For each combination, list out all other attributes you can reach using the given FDs
- Example: If $S = (AB \to C)$ then ${AB}^+ = {A, B, C}$
Remove all rows that are trivial (LHS = RHS)
Example Table #
- $R = (A, B, C, D, E)$
- $S = (AB \to C, A \to D, D \to E, AC \to B)$
$X$ | $X_s^+$ |
$A$ | ${A, D, E}$ |
$AB$ | ${A, B, C, D, E}$ |
$AC$ | ${A, B, C, D, E}$ |
$D$ | ${D, E}$ |
Minimal Basis #
The complete opposite of a closure
- Definition: FD set $S’ \subseteq S$ is a minimal basis if $\forall X \in S, S’$ entails (can reach) $X$
- Not necessarily unique for a given FD set ($S$)
Construction Algorithm #
Split all FDs in $S$ into singletons, and find any implied FDs using transitivity ($S’$).
$\forall$ Functional Dependency $X \in S’$, manually test if $(S’ - X)^+ \equiv S^+$
- i.e. Remove all redundant FDs that are either trivial or implied
$\forall X \in S’$, for attributes $i \in \textrm{LHS}(X)$, let $\textrm{LHS}(X’) = \textrm{LHS}(X’) - i$
- Manually test if $(S’ - X + X’)^+ \equiv S^+$
- i.e. Remove any redundant attributes in each FD
Repeat with $S’$ as the new $S$ until minimal
FD Projection #
Used to refactor FDs when splitting a relation
Given a relation $R$ with FD set $S$, decompose $R$ into $R_1$ and $R_2$ with their own FD sets $S_1$ and $S_2$
Each FD sets must only include attributes from its respective relation
Many possible projections
Projection Algorithm #
For $R_1$:
- Set $S_1 = \empty$
- Compute the closure of each combination of attributes of $R_1$, and add to $S_1$ all non-trivial FDs $X \to A$ such that the RHS attribute $A \in X^+$ and $A \in R_1$
- Construct a minimal basis from $S_1$
Repeat for all decomposed relations ($R_2, \dots$)
Improvements #
Ignore Trivial dependencies
Ignore Trivial subsets ($\empty$ or $X$)
If $X$ is a set of attributes such that $X^+ = R$ ($X$ is a super key), then ignore any other sets that contain $X$
Chase Test #
Used to infer FDs and MVDs
For Functional Dependencies #
For original relation $R$, decomposed relations $R_1, R_2$, and FD set $S_F$
Construct a tableau using the decomposed relations
Apply FDs from $S_F$ onto the rows of the tableau
- i.e. if a row has $a, b_1, c_1, d$ and another row has $a, b_2, c, d_1$ with FD $A \to B$
- Then $b_1 = b_2$ in this case
Repeat until you end up with a row without subscripts
- i.e. if $R = (A, B, C, D)$, you want a row on the tableau that looks like $a, b, c, d$
Note: If you just want to see if a particular FD holds, you can also just compute the closure of the LHS and verify, rather than chasing
For Multivalued Dependencies #
Same relation and FD set, use $S_M$ as the MVD set
Construct a tableau
Apply FDs the same way
For MVDs in $S_M$, create new rows (if necessary)
- i.e. if $A \to\to B$ is in $S_M$ and R = (A, B, C)
- Then must have rows with $a, b_1, …$ and $a, b, …$
must be the same in both rows (want $b$ to be independant of $a$)
Repeat until you end with a row without subscripts
Normal Forms #
What it means to have a ‘good’ schema
1st Normal Form (1NF) #
No multi valued attributes (no lists, arrays)
No duplicate rows
Not expressible in RA
2nd Normal Form (2NF) #
Must satisfy 1NF
No partial dependencies
i.e. For all non-prime attributes $a$, $\exist$ FD $X \to a$ such that $X$ must be a candidate key
3rd Normal Form (3NF) #
Must satisfy 2NF
No Transitive dependencies (LHS must be a prime attribute or a super key)
Decomposition Steps #
- For the FD set $S$, find the minimal basis $M$
- For all FDs $X \to A$ in $M$, create a new relation $R_i = (X, A)$
- If there isn’t a relation whose attributes $K = {k_1, …, k_m}$ form a super key for $R$, create a new relation $R_k = (k_1, …, k_m)$
- Verify each $R_i$ is in 3NF, if not then decompose further
Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF) #
Must satisfy 3NF
No non-trivial FDs
i.e. if $X \to Y$ is a non-trivial FD, then $X$ must be a super key
Decomposition Steps #
- For all FDs $X \to A$ where $R = A \cup B$, set $R_1 = (X, A)$ and $R_2 = (X, B)$
- Project the remaining FDs onto $R_1$ and $R_2$
- Verify $R_1$ and $R_2$ are in BCNF, if not then decompose further
4th Normal Form (4NF) #
Must satisfy BCNF
No non-trivial MVDs
i.e if $X \to\to Y$ is a non-trivial MVD, then $X$ must be a super key
Decomposition Steps #
- For all 4NF violations (non-trivial MVDs) $X \to A$, create two new relations $R_1 = (X, A)$ and $R_2 = (X, R - A)$
- Find (project) all FDs and MVDs from $R$ onto $R_1$ and $R_2$
- Verify $R_1$ and $R_2$ are in 4NF, if not then decompose further
eXtensible Markup Language (XML) #
Basically if HTML and JSON had a child
Data-only format: No implied representation
Heirarchical, Tree like data structure
Ordering is implied
Flexible schema
Syntax similar but stricter than HTML
- Tags must always be closed
- Tag and Attribute names have no meaning semantically
Example Syntax (Well-Formed XML) #
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" standalone = "yes" ?>
<Star starID = "cf" starredIn = "sw">
<Name>Carrie Fisher</Name>
<Street>123 Maple St.</Street>
<Street>5 Locust Ln.</Street>
<Star starID = "mh" starredIn = "sw">
<Name>Mark Hamill</Name>
<Street>456 Oak Rd.</Street>
<Movie movieID = "sw" starsOf = "cf", "mh">
<Title>Star Wars</Title>
Root Element:
- There must only be one Root for it to be Well-Formed
Sub Elements:
Star, Name, Address, ...
starID, movieID, starredIn, starsOf, ...