Week 8

Week 8 #

Pattern Matching #

Input parameters for a function are matched from top down

len :: [a] -> Integer
len [] = 0  -- if the input is null, returns 0
len (_ : xs) = 1 + len xs

The _ represents a ‘do not care’ value, as its not bound to a variable

this.handle((_, event) => ...);

Value Matching in Haskell #

reverse xs = rev xs [] where
	rev [] rs = rs
	rev (y : ys) rs = rev ys (y : rs)
abs x = if x >= 0 then x else =x
abs x 
	| x >= 0 = x
	| otherwise = -x

Type Classes #

Offer a controlled approach to overloading

  • Type Classes basically have lots of types, where each type has implementations of those defined in the class

  • Predifined type classes in Haskell are Eq, Ord, Show, etc.

Consider the type for the number 69

69 :: Num a -> a
--- can be Int, Integer, Rational ...

This means:

  • Num is the type class

  • Num a is a type class constraint

  • 69 is of type a, where a is a type that belongs to the Num type class

Type Classes in a function #

member :: Eq t => (t, [t]) -> Bool
--- type t belongs to the Eq class
--- instances of type t have the (==) function
member (y, (x:xs)) = y == x || member (y, xs)

Defining Type Classes #

class TypeClass a where
	classFunction :: a -> a --- could be any function
	--- optional: provide a default definition
--- Example
class Eq a where
	(==), (/=) :: a -> a -> Bool
	x == y = not x /= y
	x /= y = not x == y
  • If possible, default definitions should be circular
    • When making an instance of that class, only one needs to be implemented and the other is free

Currying #

Converting a multi-argument function into a sequence of evaluated functions, each with a single argument

Alternative meaning: The action of cooking a traditional spicy dish of Indian and Oriental origin

  • In Haskell, each function takes exactly one argument

Consider multiple ways of writing this function

sum :: Num a => (a, a) -> a
sum (x, y) = x + y 

-- curried function
sum' :: Num a => a -> a -> a
--- Num a => a -> (a -> a)
--- -> is right associative
sum' x y = x + y
sum' x = \y -> x + y
sum' = \x -> \y -> x + y

:t (sum' x)
(sum' x) :: Num a => a -> a
--- this is just a function