Week 5

Week 5 #

Tail Recursion #

Consider the following function

(define (len xs) 
  (if (empty? xs) 
      (+ 1 (len (rest xs)))))
; trace
(len '(1 2))
(+ 1 (len '(2)))
(+ 1 (+ 1 (len '())))
(+ 1 (+ 1 0))
(+ 1 1)

The space complexity for this is precisely $O(n)$, where $n$ is the length of xs.

For a small enough stack space, and large enough list, this function can result in a Stack Overflow. To fix this issue, we must implement this function using tail recursion.

(define (len xs) 
  (local [(define (len* xs l) ; accumulator
            (if (empty? xs) 
                (len* (rest xs) (+ 1 l))))]
         (len* xs 0)))
; trace
(len '(1 2))
(len* '(1 2) 0)
(len* '(2) 1)
(len* '() 2)

Tail-Call Optimization #

  • A language can implement Tail-Call Optimization, where no stack is required

  • Some languages (Scheme) require tail-recursion to be implemented, some don’t (Python)

Types of Recursion #

  • Linear Recursion: At most one recursive call occuring in the body of the function

  • Tail Recursion: Recusive call is the last evaluated step in the body of the function

  • Flat Recursion: Only recurse on the top level of the list

  • Deep (or Tree) Recursion: Recurses on all items in the list (sublists)

  • Mutual Recursion: Pair of functions, that call each other, not themselves

Continuation-Passing Style (CPS) #

Every well-formed subexpression has a continuation; what needs to be done to complete the expression

Consider the following expression

(* 2 (+ 4 5))
  • The continuation of (+ 4 5) would be (+ 2 []) or in Scheme

    (lambda (v) (+ 2 v))
  • Every well-formed sub-expression in the evaluation corresponds to a point in the evaluation of the program, and v.v

Rewriting the above len function using CPS

(define (len xs) 
  (local [define (len* xs k) ; k -> continuation function
           (if (empty? xs) 
               (k 0) 
               (len* (rest xs) (lambda (v) (k (+ 1 v)))))]
         (len* xs identity)))
; trace
(len '(1 2))
(len* '(1 2) identity) ; identity = (lambda (v) v)
(len* '(2) (lambda (v1) (identity (+ 1 v1))))
(len* '() (lambda (v2) ((lambda (v1) (identity (+ 1 v1))) (+ 1 v2))))

; computed all in one-step
((lambda (v2) ((lambda (v1) (identity (+ 1 v1))) (+ 1 v2))) 0) ; v2 = 0
((lambda (v1) (identity (+ 1 v1))) 1) ; v1 = 1
(identity 2)